Greenhill, On Ezekiel, 1649-1662
AN EXPOSITION Of the five first CHAPTERS OF THE PROPHET EZEKIEL, WITH USEFUL OBSERVATIONS THEREUPON. Delivered in severall LECTURES in London, By WILLIAM GREENHILL. The second Edition, corrected and amended. Maith, 13. 11. To you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdome. [Greek] Ama scripturas sactas, & amabit te sapientia, Jerom. LONDON; Printed by M. Simmons for Hanna Allen, and are to be sold at her Shop, at the sign of the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1649.
AN EXPOSITION CONTINUED UPON the sixt, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth CHAPTERS of the Prophet EZEKIEL, WITH USEFUL OBSERVATIONS THEREUPON Delivered in severall LECTURES in London, By WILLIAM GREENHILL PROV. 4. 7, 8. Wisdome is the principall thing, therefore get Wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and shee shall promote thee: shee shall bring thee to honour when thou doest imbrace her. LONDON; Printed by M. S. for Hanna Allen, at the Crowne in Popes-head-Alley. 1649.
AN EXPOSITION CONTINUED UPON the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth,-seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth Chapters of the PROPHET EZEKIEL With many USEFUL OBSERVATIONS THEREUPON. Delivered at severall LECTURES in London. By WILLIAM GREENHILL. LUKE 16. 29. 31. They have Moses and the Prophets, let them heare them. If they heare not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be per-swaded though one rose from the dead. ROM. 15.4. Whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scrip-tures might have hope. LONDON, Printed by M. S. for Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1651.
AN EXPOSITION CONTINUED Upon the XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX, Chapter of the PROPHET EZEKIEL With many Useful Observations thereupon. Delivered at several Lectures in London, By WILLIAM GREENHILL PSALM 119. 96. I have seen an end of all Perfection, but thy Commandement is exceeding broad. HEBREWS 13. 14. Here have wee no continuing City, but wee seek one to come. Miser est omnis animus vinctus amicitia rerum morta-lium.-Augustin. Confess. 1. 4. c.6. LONDON, Printed for Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley. 1658.
THE EXPOSITION CONTINUED UPON The Nineteen last Chapters of the PROPHET EZEKIEL WITH Many useful OBSERVATIONS thereupon, DELIVERED In several LECTURES in London: By WILLIAM GREENHIL. Prov. 23.26. Buy the truth and sell it not. Veritas esf anime Pabulum. Lact. Sponsa intellectus. Mirand. Cujus aures veritati sunt clanse & ab amico verum audire nequeat, hujus salus desperanda est. Cicer. de Amiciti. LONDON, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the three Crowns in Cheapside overagainst the great Conduit. 1662.
Five volumes uniformly bound in later half brown leather with marbled paper over boards. Raised bands and red and green title and author labels on spines. Marbled page edges of volumes 3 and 4. New end papers. First three leaves of vol 1 with ragged margins encroaching on text, following half dozen leaves with ragged top corner. Vol 1 title with tape repairs at gutter. Early owner’s name on first dedication page of vol 1. Some pencil underlining and rarely neat marginalia on first 28 pages of vol 1. 217/218 with clean horizontal tear into text. Rare early marginalia in vol 3. Early owner’s inscription on title of vol 4. Early owner’s name on title of vol 5. Brown marginal toning of title page and last two full leaves of vol 5. Lacuna in Bbbb2 of vol 5. Only a fragment of first index leaf remains, final leaf and blank absent. With exception of these minor faults, a very clean, bright, and tight copy.
(Beeke) William Greenhill (1598-1671) was ordained in 1628 and became rector of Oakley, Suffolk the next year. His Puritan convictions were primarily influenced by John Preston. He lectured in Middlesex at 3 p.m. with Jeremiah Burroghs lecturing there at 7 a.m., and thus the two became known, respectively, as the evening and morning stars. He served as a divine at the Westminster Assempbly, siding with the minority of Independents. Regarding his exposition of Ezekiel: “One of the foremost Puritan woks in Old Testament exposition, this book remains one of the most helpful sermonic commentaries on Ezekiel in English.” Later, Spurgeon also praised Greenhill.
Vol 1: (14) 176, 176-468 (16); Vol 2: (12) 565 (25); Vol 3: (8) 176, 179-621 (29) – 196 as 169; Vol 4: (8) 592 (24); Vol 5: (10) 403 (1) 421-499, 200-420, 529-611 (31) – text is complete despite pagination errors