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Patrick's Rare Books

Hirsch, Handbuch der Historisch-Geographischen Pathologie, 1881 - 1886

Hirsch, Handbuch der Historisch-Geographischen Pathologie, 1881 - 1886

Handbuch der Historisch-Geographischen Pathologie von Dr. August Hirsch, Prof. Der Medicin in Berlin. Zweite, Vollstandig Neue Bearbeitung. 


Erste Abtheilung: Die Allgemeinen Acuten Infectionskrankheiten. Stuttgart. Verlag Von Ferdinand Enke. 1881 


Zweite Abtheilung: Die Chronischen Infections- und Intoxications-Krankheiten, Parasitare Krankheiten, Infectiose Wundkrankheiten und Chronische Ernahrungs-Anomalieen. Stuttgart. Verlag von Ferdinand Enke. 1883. 


Dritte Abtheilung: Die Organkranheiten. Nebst Einem Register Uber Die Drei Abtheilungen. Stuttgart. Verlag von Ferdinand Enke. 1886. 


Three volumes uniformly bound in later green half cloth with red patterned paper over boards. Gold text on spines. New end papers. Original yellow paper wraps bound in (likely trimmed a bit as there is not a hint of defect at the edges). Margins well retained throughout. Leaves creased near bottom corners of all three volumes. Each volume with two opposing title pages. Unmarked, clean, bright, and tight throughout. Text in German. 


Pagination: Vol : New ffep, original front wrap, viii, 481 (1), original rear wrap, new rfep; Vol 2: New ffep, original front wrap, vi, 467, original rear wrap, new rfep; Vol 3: New ffep, original front wrap, iv, 557, original rear wrap, new rfep. 


A later edition. Originally published in two volumes, the first edition is G-M 1778: “August Hirsch (1817-1894), This is perhaps the greatest historical classic on the subject. Vol.1 appeared in 2 parts, with the first part issued in 1859 and the second part issued in 1860.” 


Heirs 1847: “After completing his medical degree at Berlin, Hirsch entered private practice and in 1846 returned to practice in his native city of Danzig and pursue his interest in epidemiological studies. Soon after publication of the present work, he was invited to become a member of the medical faculty at the University of Berlin. Hirsch was serving as professor of special pathology and therapeutics and the history of medicine at the time of his death. He served as a member of commissions appointed by the German government to investigate epidemics of cerebrospinal meningitis, cholera, and the bubonic plague in Astrakhan. ... Hirsch's exhaustive study of medical geography met with immediate critical acclaim and remains a classic in its field. He classified his work into sections which covered acute infectious diseases; chronic infective, toxic, parasitic, septic, and constitutional diseases; and diseases of the organs and other body parts. He discussed the history and geographical occurrence of each disease and such factors as climate, altitude, soil constitution, seasonality, electrical phenomena, and social conditions.” 


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