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Patrick's Rare Books

OECONOMIA ANIMALI, Charleton, 1693

OECONOMIA ANIMALI, Charleton, 1693

EXERCITATIONES PHYSICO-ANATOMICAE DE OECONOMIA ANIMALI Novis in Medicina Hypothesibus Super-structa, & Mechanicè explicata. AUCTORE GUALTERO CHARLETON, M.D.& Caroli Magne Britanniae, Regis olim Medico. (Line of Greek here) Editio secunda, priori multò, correctior. DICATAE Perillustri, atq;Excellentiss.Viro D.D. IOANNI MVLIAIMI LVGD. BATAV. Apud Aloysium Pavinum. 1693 SV FERIORV M PERMISSV.


Gualteri Charleton, M.D.&Caroli Magnae Britanniae Regis, olim Medici, Dissertatio Epistolica de Ortu Animae Humanae ut et Conslium Hygiasticum Pro Illustrissimo, Excellentissimoque Heroe, Dno. Johanne Luca, Marchione Durazzo, &c. Lugd. Batav. Apud Aloysium Pavinum. Superiorum Permissu.


Duodecimo in original unadorned vellum. Ink inscription on rear board. Top front and bottom back thongs torn. Early Ink author and title written on bottom of text block. Book plate on front paste down. Half title (small tear along top edge) and full title present. Decorative capitals. Six in-text figures at the end of the first book (de motu musculorum) Two stubs in gutter between final leaf of prelim and page 1, yet appears to be complete. A few small stains, as well as bottom marginal dampstain through much of the book, and a 1 inch tear with text loss at L8. Binding tight. Leaves bright. Margins ample. No annotations or underlining.


Half title, full title, (20) 298, 32, blank, rfep.

Not in G-M, Waller, or Heirs. But see Heirs 333: “Walter Charleton (1619-1707)…was an unusually gifted physician, zoologist, and archaeologist who studied physics, theology, and natural history. He was one of the founders of the Royal Society and later served as its president.”


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