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Patrick's Rare Books

Plater, Observationum In Hominis Affectibus, 1641.

Plater, Observationum In Hominis Affectibus, 1641.

FELICIS PLATERI QUONDAM ARCHIA-tri & Professoris Basi-leensis Ord. OBSERVATIONUM In Hominis Affectibus plerisg, Corpori & Ani-mo, Functionum laesione, Dolore, aliáve Molestia & Vitio infensis, LIBRI TRES. Totidem Praxeos ejus Tractatibus, Oeconomia & Methodo respondentes, plurimorum diversorum Affectuum tum initia, progressus & eventus, fidè & sedulò observatos, tum curationes feliciter, quibusq; mediis praestitas, graphicè enarrantes. Secunda nunc vice typis mandati, gemino charactere di-stinicti, ad autographum plurimis in locis emendati, Medicamentorum in Opere non descriptorum (greek) & Indice, Medicis & Historicis. non insructuoso, locupletiores. Opera & Studio FELICIS PLATERI, Felicis ex fratre Thoma Nepotis, Art. & Med. Doct, Naturalis Phil. Profess. ASILEA, Impensis LUDOVICI KONIG, 1641


Original vellum over boards, gold details on spine. Vellum stained. A few chips to vellum. Interior hinges cracked. Modern seller or binder’s ticket adhered to corner of front paste down. Title with paper repairs. Red ribbon page marker. Variably toned, some leaves strikingly so, as well as some marginal damp stain. Rare marginal and gutter worming. Unmarked. Binding tight. Decorative capitals.


Ffep, two blanks, title, (46), 912, (51). Index ends in U and final blank lacking.


See G-M 3789 for 1614 first edition: Platter, Felix [Platerus]. 1536-1614. First known report of a case of death from hypertrophy of the thymus, in an infant. Also records and account of a meningioma, per G-M 4511.1. Per G-M 2195, Plater was the first to attempt a classification of diseases according to symptoms. Over 50 years he dissected more than 300 bodies and made observations about morbid anatomy.


6 5/8 x 4 ¼ x 2 ¼


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