Verheyen, Corporis Humani Anatomaie WITH Supplementum Anatomicum, 2nd ed, 1710
Corporis Humani Anatomiae Liber Primus In quo tam Veterum, quam Recentiorum Anatomicorum inventa. Methodo nova & intellectu facillima describuntur, ac Tabulis aeneis repraesentantur. Authore Philippo Verheyen In Universitate Lovaniensi Art. & Med. Doct. Anat. & Chirurg. Professore Regio & Ordinario. Editio Secunda Ab Authore recognita, novis observationibus & inventis pluribusque Figuris aucta. Bruxellis, Apud Fratres T’Serstevens, Bipliopolas. 1710. Cum Privilegio Regis.
Bound With:
Supplementum Anatomicum Sive Anatomiae Corporis Humani Liber Secundus In quo partium solidarum Libro primo descriptarum Usus & Munia explicantur. Accedit descriptio Anatomica partium Foetui & recenter nato proparium. Item Controversia de Foramine Ovali inter Authorem, & D. Mery. Authore Philippo Verheyen In Universitate Lovaniensi Art. & Med. Doct. Anat. & Chirurg. Professore Regio & Ordinario. Opus Variis Figuris Illustratum. Bruxellis, Apud Fratres T’Serstevens, Bibliopolas. 1710. Cum Privilegio Regio.
Controversia Inter Authorem Supplementi anatomici, et D. Mery In Academia Regia Scientiarum, quae Parisiis est, Anatomicum, de usu foraminis ovalis, & de circulatione sanguinis in Foetu. Qua usus ab eodem Mery dicto foramini affictus abunde refellitur. (Precedes Index Verborum et Rarum.)
18th century full brown leather binding with raised bands, gold embellishments, and red leather title label (with gold text) on spine. Dentelles on top, front, and bottom edges of boards. Speckled red page edges (interestingly, book two has more dense speckling than book one or the Controversia following it). Green ribbon marker intact. Mild shelf wear. Solid scuffing of leather. Corners variably scuffed or chipped. Front and rear hinges cracked externally, however cords and interior hinges still strong. Marbled end papers. Frontis (portrait of author). Red and black main title page and title page for liber secundus. Front matter with engraving and decorative capitals. Additional decorative engravings at heads of some section heads. Wide margins. Pg 360 has 18th century text correction in ink (Sexta corrected to Septima). Small smudge affecting text at bottom of pg 422. Clean, bright, and tight throughout and free of internal markings, though a few leaves subtly toned.
Fold out Index Tabularum (itemizes 40 plates and their assigned page number for the binder, however all plates in this copy are collected at the rear).
Foredge of plate XIII slightly chipped and brittle (only the margin, not involving engraving).
Plate XXVII reminiscent of Browne’s drooping eye plate, plus gives uncommon view of inferior orbital contents. XXX includes Inca bone. XXXII spine is rather Vesalian in that the secondary curvatures are wanting.
The 40 plates itemized in the Index Tabularum then followed by six additional plates (numbered I though VI, and Lib II).
All plates folding, with strong intact folds, and firmly bound in. All clean and bright.
Two blanks, frontis, main title, 25 pg prilim, three pg index, 1-392, 8 pg index, title for book two, iii-xvi prelim, 1 - 396, Controversia title, 399 - 428, 5 pg index, folding Index Tabularum, Tab I - XL (XXXX), Lib II plates I - VI, blank.
Measures: 8 ¼ x 6 ½ x 2 5/8 inches.
The first edition was 1693. G-M 388 says “the work was widely used for some years after publication, superseding Bartholin in popularity. Second edition, with supplement, 2 vols., Louvain, 1706-12.
”Philipp Verheyen was born on April 23, 1648, in Verrebroeck, a village in Belgium, and at first devoted himself to agriculture, as his poor parents had done. In 1675 he went to the university of Louvain to study theology. The amputation of a foot, made necessary by illness, rendered him unfit for the clerical profession, and he took up the study of medicine at Louvain and Leyden. He became professor of anatomy in 1689, and surgery in 1693. He was reputed as “an industrious anatomist. He died at Louvain on January 28, 1710.” His compendium went through many editions, indicating it was widely used. The second edition of 1710 “is greatly enlarged and improved” over the first edition of 1693. “It is in two volumes of 400 and 436 pages respectively, not counting the prefaces, which contain a biography and a portrait of Verheyen. The first volume contains 40, the second volume 6 copperplates.” (Choulant, pgs 248-249)
Waller 9880.