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Patrick's Rare Books

Lancisi, De Motu Cordis et Aneurysmatibus, 1738

Lancisi, De Motu Cordis et Aneurysmatibus, 1738

Johannis Mariae Lancisii A Secretiori Cubiculo, & Archiatri Pontificii De Motu Cordis et Aneurysmatibus Opus Postumum in Duas Partes Divisum. Neapoli Anno 1738. Excudebat Felix-Carolus Musca Superiorum Facultate.


Early (original?) quarter brown leather with paste paper over boards. Black library stamp near tail of spine. Small tears at head of spine. Scattered small scuffs and chips to spine and boards. Corners bumped. Shelf wear. Boards sunned, rear more so than front. Tape repair of front hinge. Rather heavily foxed. Some scattered worming. Binding tight. Margins well-retained. Seven plates (numbered as six) at rear (five of which are folding).

Ffep, half title, title, xxviii, 219, Plates I – VI, rfep.


Apparently this Naples edition is the second. The first edition (Rome 1728) is GM 2973:

Giovanni Maria Lancisi (1654 – 1720)

“Lancisi noted the frequency of cardiac aneurysm and showed the importance of syphilis, asthma, palpitation, violent emotions, and excess as causes of aneurysms. He was the first to describe cardiovascular syphilis. Lancisi shares with Vieussens the honor of laying the foundation of the pathology of heart disease.”

“…his own work on dilatation of the heart is significant in the history of cardiology. It forms the second part of his De Motu Cordis….” (Thornton pg 54)


See also Heirs 448, as well as GM 2731, which notes Lancisi to be the first to describe valvular vegetations, and noting cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation as causes of sudden death.


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