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Patrick's Rare Books

Sacra Biblia, 1673

Sacra Biblia, 1673

Sacra Biblia Sive Testamentum Vetus: Ab Imman: Tremelio & FRancisco Junio ex Hebraeo Latine redditum Et Testamentum Novum a Theodoro Beza e Graeco in Latinum versum. Tiguri Ex Typographeo Bodmeriano Full original vellum over boards with later paper label on spine. Faint manuscript title in ink on head of spine. Only mild discoloration of vellum. Hinges strong. Corners tight. Ex library stamps and other early and later markings on front paste down, ffep, and title page. A couple tears at top and bottom of front paste down. Architectural/monumental title with paper repair along entire fore-edge (touches image slightly). Very dark green page edges. Set in two columns in Roman font. Clean, bright, and tight throughout with early occasional neat green ink underlining. A studied but well-preserved copy.  Includes Apocrypha. Three pages of prelims (Johannes Stephanus Menochius and Andreas Rivetus). Menochius was a Jesuit, which is curious, as the translators of this Bible were all Protestants, and the Jesuits were a counter-Reformation organization. i - iii, A - Zz Old Testament with Apocrypha at end, Zz2 - Lll6 New Testament. Measures approximately 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches Tremellius: Immanuel Tremellius (1510 – 1580) was an Italian Reformed Protestant and Hebraist. He converted from Judaism to Christianity and was baptized by Cardinal Reginald Pole around 1540. He relocated frequently for political and religious reasons. In his day, his translation of the Old Testament was considered by many to be the most accurate available. He also published a Hebrew grammar and translated Calvin’s catechism into Hebrew. (IVP, Reformation Commentary on Scripture). Beza: Theodore Beza (1519 – 1605) was a French Reformed pastor and professor. “He was compatriot and successor to John Calvin as moderator of the Company of Pastors in Geneva during the second half of the sixteenth century. He was a noteworthy New Testament scholar whose Codex Bezae formed the basis of the New Testament section of later English translations.” He was professor of Greek at Lausanne Academy until 1558, then became rector of the Genevan Academy. He “developed and extended Calvinist doctrine on predestination and the real spiritual presence of Christ in the Eucharist.” (IVP, Reformation Commentary on Scripture). Junius: Francis Junius (1545 – 1602) was pastor of the Walloon (Hugenot) congregation in Antwerp in 1565. He learned Calvinism from Calvin himself at Geneva. He was co-author of the Belgic Confession (1561), and retired to Heidelberg in 1573, where he was, along with his father-in-law (Tremellius), a Latin translator of the Old Testament. He died of the plague in 1602. The Tremellius/Junius OT first appeared serially between 1575 and 1579. In 1580 their OT (along with the NT translated by Tremellius from Syriac) was the first complete Latin Bible printed in England. Their OT was published along with Beza’s NT in 1585 and frequently after that. (Dennison, Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation, Darlow & Moule, 6165, 6166, & 6175).  Rivetus:Andreas Rivetus (1572 - 1651) was a French Huguenot and professor of theology at Leiden. Menochius:Johannes Stephanus Menochius (1575 - 1655) was an Italian Biblical scholar and Jesuit.

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