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Patrick's Rare Books

Bullinger, On the Apocalypse, 1602

Bullinger, On the Apocalypse, 1602

ARCHETYPI HOMILIARVM IN APOCALYPSIN IOHANNIS: Delineati ab HEINRICHO BVLLINGERO,Pastore: Ecclesia Tigurinae. HIS ACCESSIT SYLVVLA HOMILIARVM FESTALIVN, ET SELECTIORVM aliarum, de praecipuis doctrine Christianae capitibus, eodem Authore. Omnia nunc primum EX EIVS AVTOGRAPHO IN unum corpus redacta & adjecto In-dice in lucem edita, opera & studio HEINRICHI BVLLINGERI Nep. Ecclesiae Tigurinae ministri. TIGVRI APVD IOHANNEM VVOLPHIUM M.DCII


Sylvula Homiliarum Festalium, Et Selectiorum aliarum de praecipius docrinae Christianae capitibus. Authore Heinricho Bullingero, Ecclesiae Tigurinae Pastore. Catalogum homiliarum proxima post Praefationem; de operis ratione; pagina ostendet. Iesus Hic est Filius meus dilectus, in que placata est anima mea: ipsum adute. Matth.17. Tiguri Aoud Iohannem Vvolphium M. DC. II.


Ffep, title, *^8, **^4, A – Z^8, a^8, b^4,


Manuscript vellum over boards binding. Bullinger written on spine between columns. Some small scuffs with loss of ink on boards. Notes on ffep. Name and underlining on title. Stains on verso of title and pp 4 &5. Paper repair to *2 with loss of about 20% of text. Rfep with paper repair along top. Lacking all after o7. Mild variable toning. Binding tight. Engraved capitals in first book. Well-retained margins. Text is predominately Latin, though Greek and German are scattered about as well.


(26) 186 (6) title (7) 98, rfep


The left column of the manuscript binding is Genesis 22 6-15, and the top half of the right column is Genesis 22:16-19. After that is the collect of the Vigil of Pentecost to follow the Genesis 22 reading. This is followed by Deuteronomy 31:22-24 finishing up the bottom of the right column. Now, Deut 31 is also read in that Vigil, but in between the Gen 22/collect and Deut 31 is supposed to be a reading from Exodus 14 & 15 along with its own collect. This does not seem to be the case for this manuscript.


Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) was a swiss reformer at Zurich and a Reformed theologian. The 1522 burning of Luther’s books at the University of Cologne aroused his interest in theology. He then read the church fathers, then Luther, then Melancthon, and lastly the New Testament. “He was an evangelical by the time he returned home in April 1522.” He wrote Latin commentaries on most of the books of the New Testament, and lectured on them in German. He met Zwingli in 1523 and accompanied him to Bern in 1528. In his first decade in Zurich, Bullinger preached 6 to 8 sermons a week. (Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation)


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