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Patrick's Rare Books

Calmet Dictionary of the Bible Latin 1729

Calmet Dictionary of the Bible Latin 1729, 1736 Supplements, 4 vol in 2

Dictionarium Historicum, Criticum, Chronologicum, Geographicum, et Literale Sacrae Scripturae, Cum iguris Antiquitates Judaicas repraesentantibus, Authore A.R.P.D. Augustino Calmet, Ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbate S. Leopoldi Nanciensis; e Gallico in Latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. Ab R.P.D. Joan. Dominico Mansi, Lucensi, Congregations Clericcorum Regularium Matris Dei Professore. Cum Sacrae Caesareae Majest at is Privilegio, et cum permissu superiorum. Tomus Primus & Secundus. [geometric viginette] Augustae Vindelicorum [Augsburg] & Graecii [Graz], Sumptibus Philippi, ac Martini Veith, & Joannis Fratris Haeredum. Calmet, Augustin, 1729.Supplementum ad Dictionarium Historicum, Criticum, Chronologicum Geographicum & Literale Sacrae Scripturae…. Tomus Tertius & Quartus. Augustae Vindlicorum et Graecii, Suptibus Fratrum Veith. Calmet, Augustin, 1736.


Four folio volumes bound in two (1 & 2; 3 & 4). Bound in nearly matching armorial vellum bindings. Similar title plates on the tops of each spine. 18th century library shelf number written on each spine. Vellum somewhat soiled, light to medium foxing. Some chipping to title plates. Worm holes to front hinge of vol 3/4. Bookplate of “Paulus Simonyi SS. Theologiae, et Juris Canonici Doctor.” on front paste-down of each volume. Also written in an early hand on both the half-title and title pages: “Pro Comissariati ?? Terra S.” (Comissariats of the Holy Land?). Also, “Sub A.R.P. Hugone Rabler Ejusdem, Terra Sa. Comiss. Enlj 1733.” “1735” in the second vol. A very small Hungarian library stamp on the verso of each title page and about 20 other places including the verso of most of the copper plates. A library accession number is also stamped on the verso of each title page.Collation: First volume: half title leaf, title leaf, (a)^3-6, A-E, F^4, G-z^6, 2A-T^6. Second volume: title page leaf, a^2-4, b^4, A-Z^4, Aa-Tt^4, Uu^6, title leaf, )(^2, A-Z^4, Aa-Zz^4, Aaa-Iii^4, Kkk^1-6.All four folio volumes (bound in two) of the Latin edition of Augustin Calmet’s famous Bible dictionary. Translated from the 1722 French (and 1728 Supplements) edition. Complete in nearly-matching armorial vellum bindings. Each volume is 14 x 9 x 3 inches. This is NOT a married set. Volumes 1 and 2 were published in 1729 and volumes 3 and 4 were published in 1736. These are the original armorial bindings, even though the binder of vols 3-4 didn’t exactly match the binding of vols 1-2. Multiple attractive plates and maps, some folding.Overall very good condition condition.


Calmet was a devout Catholic but also a skilled Hebraist. His dictionary is notable for its exhaustive nature, incorporation of Ussher’s chronology, and excellent maps and engravings. One map shows the location of the Garden of Eden. Contains his famous Bibliotheca Sacra--a valuable descriptive list of Bibles published up to that point in various languages. Also has several other useful tables, such as unit conversions etc. Topics in the Supplements include the famous Military Tactics of the Hebrews, the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch, etc. As a Hebraist, Calmet strongly emphasized an understanding of Hebrew and Jewish culture, as well as maps of Jerusalem. These, along with artistic representations of Levites and the elements of the Tabernacle (show bread, lamp stand, ark of the covenant), etc made Calmet's dictionary particDictionarium Historicum, Criticum, Chronologicum, Geographicum, et Literale Sacrae Scripturae, Cum iguris Antiquitates Judaicas repraesentantibus, Authore A.R.P.D. Augustino Calmet, Ordinis S. Benedicti, Abbate S. Leopoldi Nanciensis; e Gallico in Latinum translatum, & nonnihil expurgatum. Ab R.P.D. Joan. Dominico Mansi, Lucensi, Congregations Clericcorum Regularium Matris Dei Professore. Cum Sacrae Caesareae Majest at is Privilegio, et cum permissu superiorum. Tomus Primus & Secundus. [geometric viginette] Augustae Vindelicorum [Augsburg] & Graecii [Graz], Sumptibus Philippi, ac Martini Veith, & Joannis Fratris Haeredum. Calmet, Augustin, 1729.Supplementum ad Dictionarium Historicum, Criticum, Chronologicum Geographicum & Literale Sacrae Scripturae…. Tomus Tertius & Quartus. Augustae Vindlicorum et Graecii, Suptibus Fratrum Veith. Calmet, Augustin, 1736.


Calmet’s dictionary was tremendously popular. It was translated into numerous languages and went through many editions in each of those languages. Later English editors, for example, after Calmet included D’Oyly (1732), Taylor (1798), and Robinson (1832). Taylor’s Calmet was popular well into the second half of the 19th century. There was a three volume anonymous abridgment of Calmet’s dictionary printed in 1759. John Brown of Haddington’s celebrated 1769 Dictionary of the Bible (which also went through many editions for over a century) relies heavily on Calmet. John Kitto’s 1852 Encyclopedia of Biblical Literature comments in the preface that too many previous titles on that topic had relied on the “old learning” of Calmet. So we see the influence of Calmet lasting until, but beginning to be usurped in the late 19th century.
