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Patrick's Rare Books

Meek'ren Chirurgi Amstelodamensis Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae 1682

Meek'ren Chirurgi Amstelodamensis Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae 1682

Jobi a Meek’ren

Chirurgi Amstelodamensis Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae, Ex Belgico in latinum translatae ab Abrahamo Blasio, Ger. Fil. Medicinae Studioso. Amstelodami, Ex Officina Henrici & Viduae Theodori Boom, 1682.

Job Janszoon Van Meekeren (1611-1666) was a Dutch surgeon who is credited with reporting the first successful bone graft operation. The graft was supplied from a dog and transplanted to a cranial defect in a Russian soldier. Meekeren was not the surgeon but quoted a report from a Russian Missionary. First published in 1668. This the first Latin translation of 1682, by Abraham Blasio (Blasius?). A German edition also exists.

See G-M 5735 (Dutch edition) & J.E. Schmidt Medical Discoveries, pg 63.

Small octavo (approximately 6 ¾ x 4 inches) newly rebound in full brown mottled calf, with raised bands, red title label, and gold detailing. New end papers. Original rfep retained. Engraved title, full title, prelims and index at front and rear. Posthumous works gets its own title page at Y4. Engraved title with small loss at bottom, near gutter, far from engraving. Foredge of engraved title also a bit ragged, but not involving image. Loss at lower corner of M3, encroaching on, but not involving, last line of text. Scattered minute tears at foredges, not at all near text or illustrations. Book is clean, bright, and tight throughout with only minor toning of some leaves. A very good, and unmarked, copy.

Text in Latin. Margins well retained. Numerous intext figures and plates of medical, surgical, anatomical, and pathological conditions, procedures, and instruments. We count 70 figures (some minute) and 5 plates, as well as the engraved title. The engraved title encapsulates and reproduces multiple conditions which are illustrated in greater detail within the later engravings. The figure showing reduction of a ganglion cyst of the wrist by smashing it flat with a fist is quite pleasing (incidentally, this “technique” is still done today).

A complete copy. Pagination: engraved title, full title, xii + 392 + 6 + rfep. Page 1 erroneously numbered pg 3. Collation: *^8, A-I^8, K-T^8, V^8, X-Bb^8 (No signatures J, U, or W, however, pagination is continuous throughout. Book is complete.)


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