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Patrick's Rare Books

Celsus, De Re Medica, 1554

Celsus, De Re Medica, 1554

Aurelli Cor. Celsi De Re Medica Libri VIII. Item Qu. Serreni Liber de Medicina. Qu. Rh emnij Fannij Palaemonis de Pond. & Mensuris Liber. Omnia ex diversorum codicum dili gentissimi collatione castigata. Lugduni, Apud Ioan. Tornaesium, & Gulielmum Gazeium. 1554. Contemporary full brown calf over boards, expertly rebacked. Old paper repair of upper outer corner of ffep. Pages gilt. Copious underlining and Latin marginalia, and on front and rear end papers, in a 16th century hand. Foredges trimmed into marginalia of some leaves but not affecting body of text. Binding is tight. Pages are clean and bright. Latin text set in a Roman font. A very good restored copy. Measures approximately 5 x 3 x 1 ½ inches. Celsus work is one of the most important and lasting medical works from antiquity. Per Garrison-Morton, It was written about AD30, and is one of the oldest medical writings still extant. The book deals with disease treatable by diet and regimen as well as those treatable with drugs or surgical intervention. It was first printed in 1478 (this edition offered was printed in 1554). See Garrison Morton 20 3666.81 5548.1 5733.5 6375.


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