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Patrick's Rare Books

Iconographique de Medecine Operatoire et D’Anatomie Chirurgicale 1853

Iconographique de Medecine Operatoire et D’Anatomie Chirurgicale, 1853

Precis Iconographique de Medecine Operatoire et D’Anatomie Chirurgicale par MM. Les Drs Cl. Bernard et Ch. Huette (de Montargis). Ouvrage Contenants 113 Plances dessinees d’apres nature et gravees au burin sur acier. Paris, 1853. 

Thick duodecimo volume in full leather binding with gold text on spine. Marbled page edges and end papers. Leather a bit scuffed at edges. Corners bumped. Prior owner’s inscriptions and dealer’s markings on fly leaf and half title. Clean bright and tight throughout. Illustrated with 113 colored lithographic plates of anatomy, pathology, surgery, and instruments. Two copies of Jeremy Norman’s business card marking the plates for cleft palate and rhinoplasty (this copy having come from the library of a plastic surgeon who specialized in these procedures). 


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