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Patrick's Rare Books

Winslow, Exposition Anatomique de le Structure du corps Humain, 1776

Winslow, Exposition Anatomique de le Structure du corps Humain, 1776

Exposition Anatomique de le Structure du corps Humain, par M. Winslow, docteur-Regent de la Faculte de Medecine de Paris, de l’Academie Royale des Sciences, Interprete de la Langue Teutonique a la Bibliotheque du Roi, Ancien Professeur d’Anatomie & de Chirurgie au Jardin Royal, de l’Academie Royale des Sciences & Belles Lettres de Berlin. Nouvelle Edition, faite sur un exemplaire corrige & augente par l’Auteur, a laquelle on a joint de nouvelles Figures & Tables qui en facilitent l’usage & la Vie de l’Auteur. Tome Premier, Second, Troisieme, Quatreieme, , .A Paries, Chez { La Veuve Savoye, rue Saint Jacques. D.Houry, Imprimeur-Libr. De Mgr le Duc D’Orleans, rue de la Vieille Bouclerie. Vincent, Imp.-Libr. De Monsieur, rue des Mathurins. P. F. Didot le jeune, Libraire, Quai des Augustins. 1776. Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. 


Four volumes in original mottled brown calf with five raised bands. Red title labels and gilt fleurons in compartments. Several small scuffs and chips. Several hinges cracking at heads or tails. Two long scratches along bottom of rear board of vol 4. Red page edges. Green ribbons. Marbled end papers. Minimal foxing. A few mild ill-defined stains and toning on end papers and vol 4 title. Some plates slightly toned. Faint penciled name on title of vol 4. Marginal tear at pg 343/344 in vol 2 involving one word.  Otherwise, clean, bright, and tight throughout. Typo on title of vol 3: date given as MDCCLXVXI rather than MDCCLXXVI. 


Vol 1: ffep, blank, frontis, title, lxx, A-R^12, rfep (407 pages) 


Vol 2: ffep, blank, half title, xiv, A-S^12, T^6, V^11, 4 folding plates, rfep (466 pages, 4 plates) 


Vol 3: ffep, blank, title, xii, A-Z^12, Aa^2, Bb^8, 3 folding plates, rfep (572 pages, 3 plates) 


Vol 4: ffep, blank, title, x, A-V^12, X^4, rfep (488 pages) 


Jeacques Benigne Winslow (1669-1760). “A native of Denmark, Winslow studied in Holland and France and received his medical degree at Paris. … An expert anatomist, he was among the first to discard physiological details and hypothetical explanations from his writings in order to concentrate solely on descriptive anatomy. He was a leader in condensing and systematizing the anatomical knowledge of his time. … Popular among teachers and students, the book was widely used as a text for nearly a century after its publication.” (Heirs 480). He is eponymized in Winslow’s ligament and the foramen of Winslow. He “designated the ganglion chain ‘the grand sympathetic nerve’, and the small branches ‘the lesser sympathetic.” (G-M 1314). 


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